
Showing posts from September, 2013

About open-source

Open-source: We are seeing this word here and there on the internet. So, what is open-source? Open source movement is a large movement of programmers and computer users that gives unrestricted access to the ‘source code’ of the software. Now, what is source code? Source code is the set of instructions given to the computer. All the programs are written in a programming language to perform a specific task. For example, let’s take a look at a simple code in the ‘C’ language: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> Void main() { Printf(“hi,how are you?”); } If you run this code you will see the text “hi, how are you?” on your screen. So, the task of this code is to print the given text. Now coming back to open source the biggest strength of open source has been that it is free. Also, it has the advantage of peer-review and sustained innovation in software. People improve it, adapt it and fix the bugs themselves at astonishing speed. Most of us know about Linux but there are more...

Using internet explorer in Ubuntu

Internet explorer- the default browser used in Microsoft windows is some times necessary in ubuntu also when you need to visit a site which requires internet explorer. Well here is a remedy for you! Although it is not a full replacement for internet explorer you can make firefox to behave as if it is internet explorer. You can edit the configuration to make this possible.But why take the risk? Let's go in the easy way. There is an add on for firefox called user agent switcher. You can use it to make firefox to behave(not look) like internet explorer.This add-on is also available for chrome. The User Agent Switcher extension adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of a browser. Search for it in google or the firefox addon website and amp up your firefox. The extension does not render web pages in the same way as the selected one. User-Agent Changer is primarily for developers who want to test how a page responds to different browsers. Switching User-Ag...

Image editing in Ubuntu

G IMP is an alternative to photoshop (not completely but to a large extent).   GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It  is  used  to  edit  and manipulate  images. It can load and save a variety of image formats and can be used to convert between formats. GIMP can also be used as a paint program. It features a set of  drawing and  painting  tools  such as airbrush, clone, pencil, and paint brush.        Painting and drawing tools can be applied to an image with a variety of paint modes.  It also offers an extensive array of selection tools like rectangle, ellipse, fuzzy select, bezier select, intelligent  scissors, and select by color.        GIMP  offers  a  variety  of  plug-ins  that perform a variety of image        manipulations.  Examples include bumpmap, edge detect,  gaussia...

Crashing your system!

Do not run this command unless you are prepared for a system crash! This command is called as a forkbomb. Only type this in a terminal if you are prepared for a crash. It's better to try it in a virtual machine: :(){ :|: & };:     :() defines a function called : {:|: &}; means run the function : and send its output to the : function again and run that in the background. This function will run again and again until you run out of system resources and this forces your computer to restart.

PDF editors -A past thing

There is an extension called PDF import for libre office.Using it you can edit PDF documents in libre office writer. Installation: You can install it from the software-center by searching for pdfimport . OR You can install it from the terminal by typing sudo apt-get install libreoffice-pdfimport Remember you need Libre-office installed to use this extension. :) Also there is a similar extension for open office too. You can install it by searching the same as above in software-center  OR  install it from the terminal by typing sudo apt-get install

Darktable digital photography

darktable is a digital photography workflow application for Linux and Mac OS X in the lines of Adobe Lightroom and Apple Aperture. The application is designed to ease editing and consistent processing of large photo sessions and provides a easy to use digital light-table and a set of sophisticated postprocessing tools. Most processing is done in 32-bit floating point per channel mode in device independent CIE L*a*b* color space. darktable is also fully color managed, which gives you full control over the look of the photos. The application relies on a modern plug-in architecture thus making it easy for 3rd party developers to extend the existing capabilities of the application. All light-table and darkroom features are implemented as plug-ins, so you can create your plug-ins reusing existing code. FEATURES: darktable runs on GNU/Linux / GNOME , Mac OS X / macports and Solaris 11 / GNOME . Fully non-destructive editing. All darktable core functions operate on 4x32-bit floating poin...

Monitor your PC temperature in ubuntu

TEMPERATURE MONITOR IN UBUNTU Psensor is a temperature sensor available for ubuntu.Psensor is a GTK application for monitoring hardware sensors, including temperatures and fan speeds.        It displays a curve for each sensor, and uses Desktop  Notification  to        raise an alarm when a temperature is too high. On Ubuntu an Application        Indicator is also available, its icon changes when a temperature  alert        is raised.        It can monitor:          *  the  temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sen‐        sors).          * the temperature of the NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).          * the temperature and fan rotation speed of the A...

Docking your ubuntu

A DOCK FOR UBUNTU: Cairo-dock  is a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop, able to replace advantageously your system panel!  It features  multi-docks,  taskbar,  launchers  and  a  lot  of  useful applets.  Applets can be detached from the dock to act as desktop widgets.  Numerous  ready-to-use  themes  are downloadable in 1 click, and can be  easily customized at your convenience.It can use hardware acceleration    (OpenGL) to be very fast  and  low  on CPU.  It's  recommended to install the PLUG-INS package ( cairo-dock-plug-ins) to have access  to  more  views,  dialogues  and  many  plug-ins  an applets.    You can get it from the software--center or  open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install cairo-dock Add it to the startup items :   Cairo-dock offers plenty of interesting fea...

Eye candy for Ubuntu

      INSTALLING GNOME SHELL IN UBUNTU Ubuntu has introduced unity as the desktop manager. But there are variety of options for desktop managers in Ubuntu. One of them is the gnome-shell.     Gnome-shell: GNOME Shell is the "official" shell developed for GNOME 3 by GNOME.  GNOME  Shell  provides  core  user  interface functions for the GNOME 3  desktop, like switching to windows and  launching  applications.  GNOME  Shell  takes  advantage of the capabilities of modern graphics hardware  and introduces innovative user interface concepts to provide a visually  attractive and easy to use experience. Installing gnome-shell: In 11.10 onwards, GNOME Shell is  installable from the official repositories.You can find it in the Ubuntu Software Center, or to install from a terminal type   sudo apt-get install gnome-shell Now you can try it by pressing ALT+F2  and e...

Power saving in ubuntu

Overview TLP is a powersaver for ubuntu just like jupiter. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw smartmontools ethtool  OR sudo apt-get install tp-smapi-dkms acpi-call-tools tlp tlp-rdw smartmontools ethtool Commands: Open a terminal and set your options according to your needs. Here is a list of commands you can use with tlp: start : Initialize tlp and apply settings according to the actual power source. bat Apply settings for battery power source. true Same as bat (this command is called when power source changes to battery). ac Apply settings for ac power source. false Same as ac (this command is called when power source changes to ac). usb Enable autosuspend for all usb devices, except blacklisted ones.    bayoff Turn off optical drive in drive bay (or ThinkPad UltrayBay). The dr...