Most of you who have a Huawei USB modem (data card) might have tried to install mobile partner (dash board) in Linux. Here I will show you how to install mobile partner in Linux.
First, you have to copy the folder called Linux in the data card. The files in the data card are not accessible from Linux so copy them from Windows.
Now right click the file “install” in the “Linux” folder. Go to the permissions tab and select the check box beside Allow executing as a program. Now open a terminal by pressing CTRL + ALT + T keys. Change the working directory to the folder “Linux” by using “cd <path to folder>”.
Now type ./install. If you had installed this software in your system before, you will get a prompt: "The software is exist, do you want overwrites? ([Y]/[N])", enter "y" to overwrites or "n" to exit.
If you do not had installed this software in your system before, you will get a prompt: "Please input the install path[/usr/local/Mobile_Partner]:". Then you can input install path(fullpath), or you may using the default path(/usr/local/Mobile_Partner) by press ENTER direct.
Now the installation is complete.
-----------------------------How to run--------------------------
* From shortcut in desktop

* Run MobilePartner in your install path
eg: # /<install path>/MobilePartner

* Plug in your device, it will run automatically (Not supported in Xandros)


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